Friday, June 26, 2009

Holly – 06/26/09

Holly is a 17 year old registered Holsteiner mare that arrived last night. You can read how she came to be here at Horse Haven Holler here.

While this mare is not as starved as Ellie was when she got here, she is about 200lbs underweight. And at her age, it will take more food and time to get her back to where she should be.

Picture 001

Picture 003 Picture 006

Unlike Ellie, Holly was receiving grain and hay previously, just not enough to sustain her large frame. So I’ve started her out on the following feeding schedule:

6AM – 2qts beet pulp, 2 qts senior feed, 1/2 qt rice bran, source, red cell

12AM, 6PM, 10PM – 2qts beet pulp, 2 qts senior, 1/2 qt rice bran

I’ll keep the senior the same, but increase the beet pulp and rice bran over the next week.

She’s currently in the quarantine pasture with the 3yo filly that came with her and I just put a new hay roll in there with them this morning. Her feet are in great shape, she has been vaccinated this year, and was just wormed last month. The only other problem that I can see from the outside is the rain rot, which I’ll start scrubbing off and treating today.


wolfandterriers said...

I'm sure after living with me for awhile, you'll be hearing about how I have to put her on a diet because she's FAT! ;)

wolfandterriers said...

I'm sure after living with me for awhile, you'll be hearing about how I have to put her on a diet because she's FAT! ;)