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Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Shasta – 07/17/10
Shasta is a 9yo Tennessee Walker mare. She’s about 300lbs underweight, but it’s a little difficult to tell from the pictures. Her hip bones aren’t sticking out that badly, but she’s very tucked up and narrow for her frame.
Shasta is also a very sweet mare that just wants attention and food.
Doc thinks either Shasta or Satin has EPM and I can’t remember which he said. One of them had a head tilt last time he examined them and there were other indicators that there was something going on neurologically. I haven’t noticed anything yet for either of them, other than everyone slipping and sliding in the mud after last night’s storm. I’ll have to give him a call on Monday and ask him again which one he thought had EPM.
Satin – 07/17/10
Satin is a 9yo QH mare. She’s about 200lbs underweight and is the best looking of the worst looking three from the Wetzel county seizure… if that makes any sense.
I only got a couple of pictures of Satin today for some odd reason. I’ll be sure to do better next time. She’s got a very sweet face and is an overall affectionate and gentle mare. The owner told me she would rear up and flip over getting on the trailer, but she followed me right on like a docile puppy.
Three of the six horses have wounds that were never cared for and that should have been stitched up when it happened. I cleaned this one up with Betadine scrub and put some SWAT on it to keep the flies off. I thought about wrapping it, but it’s already on it’s way to healing so I’ll just keep the flies off of it and keep an eye out for proud flesh. At least she’s not lame on it.
Poco – 07/17/10
Poco is a 20 yo Paso Fino mare. She is the worst of the bunch seized from Wetzel county farm yesterday. Doc last examined her in March and told me she has a heart murmur and lung damage, possibly from pneumonia that was never treated. We won’t know if the heart murmur is a symptom of the starvation or if it’s one of the contributing factors of her starved condition until she’s back up to a healthy weight.
She’s a very sweet mare that jumped on the trailer for us yesterday. Her feet aren’t as bad as some of the others, but she’s lame on the left hind. Her foot is hot and there’s no heat in her leg, so I’m thinking abscess. I soaked the foot in warm Epsom salt water twice today and will continue to do so until the abscess emerges and the poor old girl feels better. Brannon is coming out Monday morning and I’ll have him check for an abscess if it hasn’t popped by then.
Her age and heart murmur are going to make it harder to get her healthy and it’ll take longer than the two younger skinny mares that came with her. Doc floated her teeth earlier this year, so at least she’s got that going for her.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Traveler – 07/12/10
I realized the other day that I never did a final post for Summer or Traveler. I just left them hanging, looking like fat little wooly mammoths. You can find Summer’s most recent picture before she was adopted here.
As for Traveler… he’s quite the handsome pony these days!
He’s still a big sweetheart who likes to be held and smooched. Now that he’s two years old, there won’t be much more growing going on. He’s only about 11h (I’m guessing because I haven’t taken a stick to him yet) and is going to make some little human very happy one day!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lucille – 06/15/10
Poor Lucille has gained very little weight and I’ve had to put her on a diet! She has finally lost her big wormy belly and I no longer fear pregnancy. Whew! I had to cut her feed in half and put her on a diet because what little weight she did gain caused her so much pain on her foundered front feet that she spent a whole day lying down in her shelter, only getting up to change sides. I gave her 7cc of Banamine that evening and she was up within an hour grazing again. After talking with Doc, she’s now on one gram of Bute twice a day for pain control.
Brannon tried working on her feet last week, but she was in so much pain that she couldn’t stand on three feet for long. He did what he could, and we’ll just have to keep working on her little bits at a time.
Glenn and I were eating dinner outside the other night and had a big bowl of salad on the table. After we were done, Lucille came wandering over to the table and looked at the salad bowl, looked at Glenn, looked at the salad bowl, looked at me… we got the hint and put the bowl on the ground for her. I really wish I had the camera on me at the time! She wolfed down the salad, including mushrooms, spring onions, bacon bits, and pepper jack cheese. When she was done, she eyeballed my salad bowl, so I handed that to her and she licked up all the French dressing.
Don’t worry, she’s not spoiled. Ha!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lucille – 5/22/10
Lucille arrived here the same weekend that the Fairmont horses were seized and I’m just now getting around to introducing you to her. Please forgive me.
Lucille was turned over to us by someone we’ll call Aaron. Aaron’s dream had been to breed his Paso stallion to a mammoth donkey jennet to hopefully get a gaited mule. Aaron’s health isn’t the greatest so he thought it best to get on with the dream and order a 10yo 55” jennet from what he thought was a reputable farm in Kentucky. The donkey’s name was Lucille Ball and she was $750, plus another $300 for shipping. The day of Lucille’s arrival came which much anticipation and excitement, but ended in frustration, disappointment, and anger. Because what stepped off the trailer was not a healthy 55” jennet, but a starved and foundered 50” 16 yo jennet covered in rain rot and possibly pregnant already.
Aaron kept Lucille for a month, feeding her, treating her rain rot, and doing what he could to make her comfortable. His vet palpated her and concluded that she wasn’t pregnant. Whew!
Then Aaron’s health took a turn for the worse and he could no longer care for his horses the way he wanted to. His Paso stallion, Percheron/Appy cross gelding, and molly mule are now for sale, but he knew he couldn’t sell Lucille the way she was and wanted to make sure that the sweet old gal got a loving home.
Since the timing of her arrival coincided with me running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to care for the Fairmont horses, I never got pictures of her when she arrived five weeks ago. You’ll just have to imagine her about 150lbs lighter than this:
Because of her previous founder, I’ve had to take it very slow with the feed and the turnout. She’s up to 45 min on the grass and 2qts Strategy twice a day and is still doing well. The rest of the day she spends in her pen near the house eating hay. She’s still very tender-footed on the front and it looks like someone just took a hacksaw and chopped off the elf shoes before they stuck her on the trailer headed to WV. There’s nothing for Brannon to work with yet, so we’re just waiting for her hooves to grow so he can start shaping them back into what they should be.
She’s been wormed with Zimecterin Gold twice since coming here and is on Strongid C. Since she still has a huge belly, I think I may get Doc to palpate her next time he’s out. Over the past year I’ve learned not to always trust other vets!
Her rain rot was mostly gone by the time she came here, but she still has little sores all over. They’re pretty itchy and she’d stand for hours if someone would just scratch her.
She is the SWEETEST donkey in the world! She’d rather have attention than eat and will stop chewing if I walk over and pet her. Every morning she watches me through the house windows and will bray at me if I’m not moving fast enough towards her feed. She welcomes me home with a bray and alerts me to anyone coming down the driveway. She’s a gentle soul that seems to enjoy the company of cats and chickens, and barely bats an eye when Xena’s play gets out of control and takes her under Lucille’s feet.
Needless to say, I LOVE this donkey!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Traveler – 03/08/10
Fat as a tick. You can still see ribs and there’s no way in hell he’s wormy. I’ve hit him and Summer with every wormer medicine under the sun, and they’ve been on Strongid C for a couple of months. He just wants to have a big fat beer belly.
He’s on 2qts of Strategy twice a day.
Doc says he still has his mild heart murmur, so we assume that it is something that he will always have. On a scale from 1 to 6, his is only a 2.
I’m convinced he’s not going to grow much and will always be pony sized. But what a cute little pony he’ll be!
Timmy – 3/8/10
I apologize for not doing a Timmy update for so long. It’s been a long, cold, snowy winter for the both of us and we’ve just been trying to get by, day by day. Now that the weather is finally warming up, I’ve been able to take off his blanket during the days and got some pictures today. But first, let me catch you up on what’s been going on with him this winter.
The last time I posted, I mentioned that he was showing signs of gastric ulcers, so I took him off the senior and beet pulp. Once he wasn’t getting beet pulp anymore, I no longer soaked his feed. He soon started losing weight, so Doc came out and made the discovery that poor Timmy has NO bottom molars! So much for the Virginia vet saying his teeth looked fine! Since then, he’s been on 6qts of soaked Purina Strategy, three times a day, as well as 25lbs (dry weight) of soaked alfalfa cubes per day.
While he was down in weight, he developed a really nice infestation of lice under his two blankets. Six weeks, three tubes of Zimecterin Gold, and four canisters of lice powder later, the lice are finally gone. Doc had me roach his mane to kill off the eggs hiding under it. His hair is growing back now, but he still looks a little funny.
Last, but certainly not least, he had arthritis flare-ups back in December. His whole back left leg swelled all the way to the dock of his tail, and he could not put any weight on it for a few days. He had been on a supplement for arthritis since he got here, but it takes awhile for it to get into the system and do some good. Since the flare-ups in December, he’s had no more problems and even trots around the yard tossing his head at feeding time. He and Traveler even decided to go for a walkabout about a month ago, and walked almost a mile down the road before I caught up to them and turned them around.
Even better news… Timmy has been adopted! He’ll be here for another few weeks to gain a little more weight and grow back that missing hair. I’ll miss the old guy!