Saturday, November 28, 2009

Timmy – 11/27/09

Timmy started looking better after the first week he was here, but the next week he didn’t seem to put on an ounce.  Then he was castrated and that set him back a little more.  This past week he not only seems to be losing weight again, but he’s also started to crib.  It would not surprise me to learn that he has gastric ulcers, considering his breed and history.  With that in mind, I’ve changed him over to a low sugar diet:  4qts Purina Strategy and 2qts Rice Bran three times a day.  It took a few days to transition him off the beet pulp and senior, and he’s only been on the low sugar diet for two days.  He’s already stopped cribbing, so I’m hoping he’ll start putting the weight back on soon.

Picture 031

Timmy is also fighting infection from the castration, so he’s on 20cc of penicillin twice a day.  It’s difficult for an older horse like him to be castrated and is usually a lot more stressful than it is for a youngster.  But he’ll be much better off in the long run!

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